Stages of Life

by Rebecca Langen
Stages of Life
Rebecca Langen
Photograph - Photography
Scottish Bluebell (Campanula Rotundifolia) also known as the Harebell. They can be blue, white, pink and purple.
There are several stories surrounding this plant. The name Harebell was given this flower due to the fact that witches were known to turn themselves into hares and hide among them.
Also called Fairies' Thimbles. It is widely thought that fairies live among the flowers and it stands to reason, this plant would have at least one common name reflecting this belief.
This image is featured in the groups:
*The Earth Is Art
*Whats New
*Floral Photography And Art
*Digital Art And Photography For A Simple Imagination
June 17th, 2018
Comments (6)

Rebecca Langen
Thank you for featuring my art in the group Digital Art And Photography For A Simple Imagination!

Kelley Freel-Ebner
Congratulations! Your extraordinary work has been Featured in the Fine Art America group “The Earth Is Art”! You are invited to archive your featured image for permanent storage and for viewing on the Discussions Page in: “2018 Member's Extraordinary Features Images Archive 3.0!” theme. Simply copy your image’s Embed URL on your image’s profile page, and paste it into the Discussion Topic site: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-earth-is-art-.html?showmessage=true&messageid=4138611