
by Rebecca Langen
Rebecca Langen
Digital Art - Digital Painting, Digital Art, Photography, Painting, Art
I created "Gracie" from a metal creation created by Bill Swets and can be found at The Swetsville Zoo in Fort Collins, Colorado.
A mix of oils, hdr and lots of textured layers
Starting about 1985 Bill Swets started creating metal creatures out of scrap car parts, farm machinery, and apparently any scrap he could find. Thus he unknowingly created The Swetsville Zoo. Here at the Zoo you can find sculptured gardens, VW Bug created into a giant beetle. Dinosaurs playing golf with caddies, Snoopy as a flying ace with Woodstock. There's also a Pinocchio with a Monica Lewinsky reference. Humpty Dumpty and aliens! A great place to take the kids, young and old. Take a picnic and spend a few hours here. Located on highway 25 in Fort Collins, Colorado. This is a must see roadside attraction that may not be long for the world. It is free to enter but they do accept donations
This image is featured in the groups:
Just Perfect
Digital Paintography
Weekly Fun for All Mediums
January 23rd, 2020