Ducks in a Row

by Rebecca Langen
Ducks in a Row
Rebecca Langen
Photograph - Photography
There are female Mallards. The Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa and has been introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Falkland Islands, and South Africa.
These three followed me around all day. I think they like having their picture taken!
This image is featured in the group:
*The Earth is Art
*Wild Birds Of The World - Photography
*Animal Photographs
*Faa Portraits - Birds
*Water Bird Photography
May 23rd, 2018
Comments (6)

Al Powell Photography USA
Congratulations, this IMAGE is now FEATURED on the WATER BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY group home page.

William Tasker
Cute and fun shot, Rebecca! Your beautiful and identified bird image has been featured by Wild Birds Of The World, a nature photography group. L/F

Kelley Freel-Ebner
Congratulations! Your extraordinary work has been Featured in the Fine Art America group “The Earth Is Art”! You are invited to archive your featured image for permanent storage and for viewing on the Discussions Page in: “2018 Member's Extraordinary Features Images Archive 3.0!” theme. Simply copy your image’s Embed URL on your image’s profile page, and paste it into the Discussion Topic site: https://fineartamerica.com/groups/the-earth-is-art-.html?showmessage=true&messageid=4138611