Antiques in Watercolor

by Rebecca Langen
Antiques in Watercolor
Rebecca Langen
Digital Art - Digital Art- Digital Painting- Photography- Photo Painting
A great digital watercolor painting of all things vintage! Old Texaco and S&H Green Stamps signs and a antique truck in front of an old building!
This building is a restaurant in Newcastle, Wyoming. They started as as Avery’s Steakhouse in 1954 and became The Pizza Barn in 1979. It's a great place to check out local history as they have decorated the inside and out with items reflecting local history.
This image is featured in the group:
*Music CD Cover Designs
*Cafe Art
May 20th, 2018
Comments (4)

Michael Hoard
Congratulations Rebecca!!! Your sensational and masterful watercolor composition titled "Antiques In Watercolor" has been featured on the group home page Music CD Cover Designs!!! This extraordinary composition has also been group administrator selected as a home page feature Photo of The Day!!! L, Fav, Cheers, Group Administrator, Michael Hoard